4 min read

Keeping Credentials Secret with Keyrings in R


Keeping credentials secret

When accessing an API or database in R, it is often necessary to provide credentials such as login name and password.

Figure: Providing credentials via an interactive prompt

Figure: Providing credentials via an interactive prompt

Often it is also more convenient to provide credentials programatically in an R script, but best practices1 state:

As with every programming language, it is important to avoid publishing code with your credentials in plain text.

So how can we provide credentials without putting them in the script itself? There are a variety of options described in RStudio’s “Databases using R”.

Two cases that we will focus on are:

  • simply prompting for credentials via rstudioapi
    • suitable for simple credential management
  • storing sets of encrypted credentials in a local file via the R keyring package
    • suitable for more complicated credential management

Prompting for a username and password

If an R Script requires only one set of credentials and those credentials are easy to remember, it may be easiest to prompt the user for them using rstudioapi.

This method works well if the user is able to easily remember their credentials. A typical example would be prompting users for their username and password to access a corporate database:

username <- rstudioapi::showPrompt(title = "User Name", message = "username", default = "")
password <- rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database password")

If these credentials tend to change over time, using this method for these credentials may be even more convenient that using keyrings.

R Keyring package

A more sophisticated option is to use the R keyring package to store and access encrypted credentials locally. This might be more suitable if multiple credentials exist to access a variety of services (think multiple access tokens). With keyrings, one password unlocks the keyring which then provides access to all the credentials.

To use the keyring package, we only have to install and load the keyring package2 and define three strings: the keyring name, a keyring service, and the username that we want to associate our secret credentials with.

In the below example, we will create a keyring name my_keyring, with credentials to access my_database as my_username. We first create a backend_file type of keyring which will store the encrypted credentials in the user’s home directory ( ~/.config/r-keyring on Linux, ~/Library/Application Support/r-keyring/ on Mac). With keyring_create, we prompt for the password that will unlock the keyring. Finally, we store a credential in the keyring with set before locking it with keyring_lock.


# Set variables to be used in keyring.
kr_name <- "my_keyring"
kr_service <- "my_database"
kr_username <- "my_username"

# Create a keyring and add an entry using the variables above
kb <- keyring::backend_file$new()
# Prompt for the keyring password, used to unlock keyring
# Prompt for the credential to be stored in the keyring
kb$set(kr_service, username=kr_username, keyring=kr_name)
# Lock the keyring

# The encrypted keyring file is now stored at ~/.config/r-keyring/ and can be
# accessed by any R program that provides the keyring password

We can store credentials for multiple usernames per service, and multiple services per keyring. This is ideal in the case of an application that must access a variety of services via access tokens. The encrypted credentials file can either be published with the code, or perhaps for extra security, distributed via a separate channel.

Retrieving credentials

To retrieve credentials, we set the same three variables and use the keyring get() function, which will prompt us for the keyring password that we set when we called create. A retrieval script follows:


# Set variables to be used in keyring.
kr_name <- "my_keyring"
kr_service <- "my_database"
kr_username <- "my_username"

# Output the stored password: normally you would not want to do this
keyring::backend_file$new()$get(service = kr_service,
                                user = kr_username,
                                keyring = kr_name)

# Establish connection to Teradata retrieving the password from the keyring.
dbConnect(drv = odbc::odbc(),
                dsn = "my_dsn", # set DSN options in ~/.odbc.ini
                pwd = keyring::backend_file$new()$get(service = kr_service,
                                                      user = kr_username,
                                                      keyring = kr_name))

With this, we are able to retrieve arbitrary credentials for a particular username and service, allowing us to manage much more complicated sets of credentials with a single password.

Next steps

What is the best way to ensure that plaintext credentials are not published with code? If your code relies on a limited number of credentials, an interactive prompt may be the more suitable choice: code users know what their username and password are and can easily enter them interactively.

If the code requires multiple, hard-to-remember, or cumbersome to provide credentials, you might want to consider using keyrings. Users will only need to provide one password, which will unlock the keyring and provide access to all credentials.

  1. “Databases using R” from RStudio

  2. The r-keyring package is automatically installed and available in rstudio-project.